Camp Cucumber: With Jennifer Werry
Disadvantaged mothers and their children find refuge at camp **This interview has been edited for length and clarity Jennifer Werry is a director and chair for Camp Cucumber, a registered non-profit charity staffed entirely by volunteers and funded by private and corporate donations. Camp Cucumber is a place for struggling mothers to rest, relax and find peace in Northern Ontario in the last week of June. While attending the camp, they are encouraged to embrace change, meet new friends, challenge themselves and share special moments with their kids. Werry’s involvement with Camp Cucumber is one facet of her long-term commitment to philanthropic endeavours, including chairing fundraising events and developing educational…
The Give and Grow: Where sports and nature collide
The Toronto-based small business combining gardening, basketballs and community outreach. During the bleak days of the early pandemic, many looking for escape or distraction found solace in starting new hobbies, FaceTiming loved ones or starting a new project. One of those pandemic projects became The Give and Grow. The Toronto-based company was founded by Olivia Ho, a healthcare worker with a love for everything basketball-related. Ho also coaches youth as a Sport Program Lead at MLSE (Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment) LaunchPad. The Give and Grow puts an athletic spin on interior decoration. Ho dreamed of combining her passion for basketball and love of nature into a single product, and…