Navigating sexual harassment in the workplace
Tips for navigating sexual harassment at your workplace as a woman Courtesy of Joel Muniz Some may say that the world is making progress towards equality for women in the workplace (which on the surface level, is true) however, there is still an unfortunate reality in that under the surface, women are still experiencing far more sexual abuse and harassment within the workplace than men. In the current world, after the resurgence of the #MeToo movement, more women are coming forward about their experiences of enduring sexual harassment and abuse by calling out their male bosses or superiors and refusing to stay silent. This is a substantial and empowering step…
The Sullivan decision: A misinformation catastrophe
Find out why you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet In May 2022, the Supreme Court of Canada issued their decision on R. v. Sullivan. As inflammatory headlines hit the newsreels, the court was met with an uproar of backlash from women’s rights groups and feminist advocates. Anger, fear and resentment proliferated as misinformation on the decision spread like wildfire across all social media outlets. So, what was the Sullivan decision? R. v. Sullivan refers to two separate cases, R. v. Sullivan and R. v. Chan. They both required the court to decide whether voluntary intoxication could be used as a defence for criminal acts in Canadian courts.…
Camp Cucumber: With Jennifer Werry
Disadvantaged mothers and their children find refuge at camp **This interview has been edited for length and clarity Jennifer Werry is a director and chair for Camp Cucumber, a registered non-profit charity staffed entirely by volunteers and funded by private and corporate donations. Camp Cucumber is a place for struggling mothers to rest, relax and find peace in Northern Ontario in the last week of June. While attending the camp, they are encouraged to embrace change, meet new friends, challenge themselves and share special moments with their kids. Werry’s involvement with Camp Cucumber is one facet of her long-term commitment to philanthropic endeavours, including chairing fundraising events and developing educational…
Understanding and accessing the law
Four organizations providing law resources for women For women, finding legal resources that can cater to their specific needs is crucial. According to the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund, women face poverty and pay inequality at much higher rates than men, making engaging with the legal system financially challenging, especially for single, low-income women. Even when women can afford legal assistance, the matters they face are typically unique to their gender. Given that women face higher rates of violent victimization compared to men, their legal issues might include domestic abuse, sexual assault, restraining orders, winning custody, etc. It can be difficult for women affected by these kinds of issues…
Safety in the Six
A woman’s guide to personal safety in Toronto Urban centres are inherently risky spaces to navigate. This risk increases exponentially for those who identify as women, especially those who are alone. According to the 2016 census, Toronto is home to a population of more than two million people, making it the largest city in Canada and the fourth largest city in North America. This makes for a bustling, diverse metropolis, but it also raises safety concerns for women living in the city. It is never a woman’s fault if she is attacked or made uncomfortable, but there are ways to combat and/or avoid unwanted advances. The following list covers some…